Eater Article Featuring My Faves!

eaterMuch of my work to push our society to value farmers of color centers on the fact that we are integral to nourishing our communities with culturally-relevant food and sustaining biodiversity that benefits all.In a time when people are searching for solutions to climate change, often looking for 'innovative' new answers, I say that we already have the answers. They are held by farmers of color, immigrants, refugees, black farmers, indigenous farmers--those who have long been marginalized, abused, and silenced. We use diverse and thus environmentally-beneficial farming practices rooted in our respective, culturally-informed philosophies. We also use different business models, many premised on the well-being of family and community. These frameworks serve as important alternatives to the American mainstream farming model that has accelerated climate change, health disparities, and income inequality.I'm grateful to be among a cohort of farmers and advocates who are keeping our cultural knowledge and principles alive while working to address historic inequalities such that our past, a wealth of experience that is part of our collective riches, is appropriately valued.Read the article here.




The Food Change