Farmer Mai is a humanistic problem solver who works for climate and social justice through farming, actions and advocacy

I believe we can live in a peaceful world where everyone has what they need to thrive and we can all experience the beauty of our diverse planet. To make that world, we have problems to solve: climate change and social inequality.

I farm to undo climate change and strengthen our food sovereignty. I facilitate democracy because we must include everyone in determining how we organize ourselves and resources. I mobilize communities and work in coalitions to create policies that advance racially equitable, ecological farming and to advance land justice such that we have the places to root down agroecological farming. 

Each Seed Carries a Story

Seeds remember. Growing heirloom seeds saved from the same soil and climate, even as we face climate change’s extreme droughts and floods, means that the seeds remember how to adapt. 

Seeds also carry our stories–where we came from and what nourished our ancestors. The heirloom grains I grow come from many parts of the world by the hands of people immigrating or escaping. These seeds connect them to a place and people as they make a new home here. The diversity of seed reflects the diversity of our society.


  • James Beard Leadership Award

  • Rachel’s Network Catalyst Award

  • Grist 50 Catalyst Award

  • Berkeley Food Institute, Changemaker

  • US Federation of Worker Cooperatives Torchbearer Award

  • The Food Change, Changemaker

James Beard Foundation Leadership Award 2024 Honoree
Grist 50 Catalyst Award

“Our food and land movements are stronger because we have movement-weavers like Mai in them. It's been a joy to learn from and alongside them, and their ability to coalesce the technical with the heart of what our food and land systems need.”


Mai Nguyen at San Diego Food Systems Alliance Workshop

Consulting with Farmer Mai

Farmer Mai is available for the following services:

  • Integration of grains into farm systems

  • Strategic planning

  • Organizational restructuring for accountability and racial and gender equity

  • Cooperative business development

  • Executive coaching for leaders of color

  • Postpartum preparation of foods and earth-connected practices