Cascadia Grains Conference

Reporting from the Pacific Northwest, where it's 20-ish degrees. I'm freezing my toes off! It's not just because I'm from California. I walked into the equipment tour barn and found 40 shivering PNW farmers.20170106_145759It's wonderful to see the array of combines, seed drills, cleaners, and mills and to hear from the far. Dang, they have a plethora of cheap grain equipment up here. I think I'm farming in the wrong place.I'm at this conference because I was invited to talk about seed sourcing and raising consumer awareness about local grains. The organizers heard about the California Grain Catalog that I created, called me up, and we talked about the California grain scene. They were interested in my citizen science seed saving work, as well as the grain campaign and grain talks I frequently give.The seed sourcing talk will be the retelling of an old story, a 10,000 year old story. And the campaign and catalog will be a story as well as a call to collaborative action. Don't worry, I'm not giving too much away so you should still come by if you're near.So far, I've been impressed by the turn-out, resources, number of researchers, and overall dedication to local grains in Washington. We should create this here. Let's do it!


Grain Campaign Roadshow


USDA Interview